Corvids Support

Welcome birds of a feather!

This is the FAQ for Corvids. If you have a question about play, see below for more information if we have answered it before. Otherwise try to reach out to us via our contact page, social media, or post on BoardGameGeek. We can then update that information below.

If a video is more your speed, there are several by different creators, including us, that can help you learn the game!

Included is also a list of all cards with additional notes, sorted alphabetically.

General FAQ

If a card has abilities on both sides, which one do I use?

The card is only the object you can see on the face-up side when picked up. The face-down side is ignored.

How do single-sided / face-down cards work?

String, tickets, and coins only appear in single-sided versions, with the game logo on the back. These cards have a special effect when picked face-down, and count as that object even though it is not visible. These cards are kept secret, and in the case of the string and ticket, are flipped face-up when their ability is utilized. You may peek at your face-down cards at any time, and other objects have one or two single-sided versions (just to mix things up).

Can I take a card I flipped over, even though it may have changed?

This is the crux of the flipping- that you may change what you are getting. For example, if you flip over a face-up string, you now can take it as a face-down string with the protection that provides, provided it is accessible (not covered).

How do I turn one-sided cards face-down again?

Unless you have the tweezer promo card, face-up cards like string, tickets and coins are just worth 1 point, and have no ability.

Should other players know what I have?

What cards you have is public information, with the exception of face-down cards. Those are secret.

How little/far can I move or peck a card?

A 'flip' is the act of lifting a card, turning it over, and placing it back down. You can push this to an extreme in many ways- either being fast and intense, or do so carefully. For example, you can lift up the card, turn it over (dropping what was on it in a specific area), then place it face-down in a specific area.

Can I re-cover my nest?

If your nest gets 'covered' again, even a little, you are safe from stealing. However, your bird card remains revealed.

Do I get feathers for additional cards I gain, like earrings and cards touching paperclips?

Yes- you get any feather touching any card you pick up.

Do cards picked up by the paperclip or earring trigger?

Yes. The most we ever got in testing was four paperclips in one turn.

Do face-down single-sided cards trigger?

Face-down single-sided cards do not trigger unless they are tickets or string, which you choose to use. Face-down single-sided cards still retain their scoring effects, like sets of keys and buttons.

If my steal is blocked, do I still pay?

You do return the feathers or flip the ticket card even if you are blocked.

If I knock something off the game mat, what happens?

If a card or a feather is touching the table/play surface, or is off the mat entirely, that player's turn immediately ends. This is mainly to limit the game devolving into a violent chaotic madness. Keep your flips controlled! You don't have to do them fast.

Bird Cards


When counting this, include your face-down single-sided cards.


Face-down single-sided cards count towards this goal.


This is a comparison with other players. So if oyu have more paperclips than all other players, you recieve two points. If you have more paperclips and more coins, you receive 4 points. You do not get points per card, nor for ties.

Note that we reprinted the card (as seen above) with slightly different wording in later printings.


Face-down single-sided cards count towards this goal.


Face-down single-sided cards count towards this goal.


Face-down single-sided cards count towards this goal.


The leftover feathers are those in your possession. It is quite easy to find a raven's nest if you are aware of who is hoarding them!

Note that we reprinted the card (as seen above) with slightly different wording in later printings.


This only counts single-sided cards that are face-down (showing the game logo on the back).


This is a promotional card from the 2024 Treepie promo pack.

If you are the Treepie, you essentially do not participate in the stealing/nest mechanic, although you can uncover nests to reveal players to each other. You cannot steal, nor be stolen from, and are not revealed until scoring. Feathers have no function for you.

Trash Cards


Pecking again in this way allows you to purposefully move things off the mat- doing so ends your turn, but your turn is over anyway, unless you plan to steal.


This is simply worth 2 points. The average card value, if you will.


One or two buttons are worth only 1 point each. This is not counted per button int he set.


This single-sided card is worth more face-down.


If you pick up an earring, you can pick up another uncovered earring (no cards over it at all). This can be triggered by picking up the earring with a paperclip, or even another earring.


One key is worth only 1 point. This is not counted per button int he set.


You may take any two feathers on the mat, even if covered.


This can pick up any card it is touching, even one that is covered. Note that this card and any cards it takes (including other paperclips, which also trigger) also give you all feathers they are touching.


This card can be turned face-up to block a steal. You can use multiple string as needed on any player's turn, if you have them. An already face-up ticket has no effect.


This card can be turned face-up at the start of your turn to steal for free. You can use multiple tickets at the start of your turn. An already face-up ticket has no effect.


This is a promotional card from the 2024 Treepie promo pack.

These let you flip any card you have. If you have a double-sided card, it will change its type, but the immediate ability won't trigger. Scoring effects still matter. Single-sided cards can be turned face-up or, more likely, face-down to make their ability usable, or in the case of the coin, have higher value. You can look at the other side of any of your cards whenever you want to.