Scream Park Support

Welcome fellow haunters!

This is the FAQ for Scream Park. If you have a question about play, see below for more information if we have answered it before. Otherwise try to reach out to us via our contact page, social media, or post on BoardGameGeek. We can then update that information below.

If a video is more your speed, there are several by different creators, including us, that can help you learn the game!

General FAQ

What exactly is scored for a theme card?

A theme card lists two genre symbols. Each scene you have with a symbol will score a point, and two points if it has both. This is not per symbol- a scene can have five of the same symbol and only gain 1 theme point. Note that the cost diamonds at the top of the card do not count towards any scoring or VIP element. They only count for tracking if a scene is complete.

What is a complete and an incomplete scene?

Each scene (card at the top of a column) has a set of cost diamonds, genre symbols it needs. Usually it gets at least one from its add-on, but it will need more based on how many points it is worth (as many as 3 on the 6 point cards!). A scene that has all the symbols it needs is complete, and is otherwise incomplete. Additional symbols do not affect this.

Why would I take a genre symbol?

We found that players would do this up to four times to get the exact symbols they needed, especially to impress a VIP or finish a scene in the third round. It can make a difference if you are dealt a weak hand!

Does the 'ignore cost' card ability count as a wild genre symbol?

The 'ignore cost' card ability only effects the completion of the scene it is in. You can choose which cost diamond it ignores at any time (even choosing differently to make a scene complete or incomplete for certain VIPs), but it is not a genre symbol. It does not contribute to your theme, or act as a type of genre symbol for VIPs like the birthday party or haunt brat.

Can I move my VIP along during the round? Or must I wait to the end?

You can move the VIP along your scenes as you play. However, if you discard a staff token to make a new space for a scene earlier in your haunt, check if that would set the VIP back. The VIP can't skip over entire scenes unless they have the appropriate ability.

When scoring theme cards, do I score every card I have placed since the first turn?

Yes. This means a thematic symbol placed in the first round will ultimately score three points (one per round).

What is a scenic symbol? Do I score scenic symbols per scene or for the whole haunt overall?

Scenic symbols are four black circular symbols (candelabra, skull, audio, lightbulb) that appear on cards instead of either having an ability, or requiring staffing. These have no purpose other than end-game scoring.

Scenic symbols are counted for the whole haunt overall.

What is the fastest way to score scenic symbols?

While it is tempting to move the cards all around, you may do so before completing other important scoring, or showing off what you made. Instead, you can try counting up your least common scenic symbol. That is also the number of complete sets you have (and it may be zero!).

In solo play, do you play all 8, 6, 4, and 2 cards?

You do not- you select 2 cards from each 'hand', as this emulates a four player game where you receive this many cards to choose from each turn in a round/day.

VIP Cards

Birthday Party

This does not include the cost diamonds.

Fire Marshal

A scene is incomplete if it does not contain all the genre symbols required by the cost diamonds. A scene cannot become incomplete after being completed.

Haunt Brat

A scene may contain any number of cards and additional genre symbols. 'Unnecessary' refers to either genre symbols not in the cost diamonds, or duplicates of genre symbols beyond what is required by the top scene card.

Local Celebrity

This normally means the scene contains both genre symbols on your theme card. It does not include cost diamonds.

Monster Fan

This is a promotional card from PAXU 2024.

Most cards have eyes in their art, but often only in the top of the scene card. The eyes on the 'creepy' genre symbol, or the skull scenic symbol, do not count.

New Investor

This can be for scenic symbols on the top scene card or any added card.

News Crew

This includes the top scene card in a column.

Police Chief

This can be on the top scene card or any added card.

Review Blogger

A scene is complete if it has the genre symbols required by the cost diamonds.

Secret Shopper

This can be on the top scene card or any added card.

Town Board Member

There are five possible genre symbols. Duplicates of a genre symbol do not count. The cost diamonds do not count.