Signal Support
NOTICE: There is a minor error on “Magnetism” and a major error on “Memory”. Please read the errata below for Alien corrections on these puzzles.
Welcome Experts and Aliens!
This is the FAQ and puzzle repository for Signal. If you have a question about play, see below for more information if we have answered it before. Otherwise try to reach out to us via our contact page, social media, or post on BoardGameGeek. We can then update that information below.
If a video is more your speed, check out what folks have uploaded to BGG, including us, that can help you learn the game!
If you want to make puzzles of your own, you are welcome to distribute or share them for free on any platform. We have extra puzzles of our own, which we will keep here.
General FAQ
What orientation should pieces be in? How far should they be from each other?
The Signal will comprise of pieces either touching or not touching in some arrangement. Unless it is otherwise stated (like 'in a line'), their placement and orientation is not fixed. They can be close or far, and sometimes flipped on their sides. The Alien will help determine what is a fair interpretation.
Can the Alien speak?
The Alien should not describe or speak about their secret rules. They can, however, help remind players of what has happened if asked, or help correct the recollection of something that happened in a previous round.
Can the Alien mention what rule they are on, or how many rules there are?
Each round of each Alien has 1 - 3 rules. This is not told to the Experts, and you cannot delineate the rules as you conduct them, nor name the names of the rounds voluntarily. There are ability cards that allow either of these things. It is allowed, however, for the Alien to move slowly in responding to a transmission, to help the Experts understand what is happening in what order.
What if a piece is on top of one I need to move, or placed in a weird way?
The Alien can move pieces out of the way to finish their response, moving the pieces back in place as needed. This is sometimes inexact, and that is okay. Just try to be consistent- any inconsistency on the part of the Alien will be seen as a clue by the Experts.
What do I do if I am worried about how a puzzle functions?
This may come up, especially if you try to make your own puzzle. The best thing to do? Try your best! You can be clear to the Experts if you must adjust or retry something, or use your own interpretation of how the rule should work, or to revert a bit to make sure things are clear. Signal is a playspace for this kind of inductive play- don't be afraid to be flexible with yourself for the sake of everyone's fun.
Alien Errata & Notes
1 - Magnetism
While it remains solvable, there is a regrettable error in the third round rules: It should say move a black and a WHITE piece together to touch. Again, the puzzle is solvable, but it makes more sense in this variation, and is easier.
The bonus puzzle file contains the correct version.
11 - Memory
There is an unfortunate error in the first rule of the first round that makes the second round impossible. The first sentence of the first roundshould read 'white pieces' instead of 'white disks'.
The bonus puzzle file contains the correct version.